Children, Friends, Politics & Equality, Work

Inspirational Women

Disclaimer, I wrote this post in summer 2019. However, I wanted to share it again because today is International Women's day. My thoughts and feelings about these women haven't changed. They remain examples that I work towards. There was a question on my Twitter feed a couple of weeks ago, about real women who inspire.… Continue reading Inspirational Women

Politics & Equality, Writing

The Trouble with Isms

Between the stuff in the new about the "self-proclaimed misogynist" arrest in Romania, comments about autism and criminality, and various other things that have been going on in my real world lately, I've been thinking about the trouble with all the isms. Here's my conclusion. All the isms are based on the precept that different… Continue reading The Trouble with Isms

misty poppy fields
Politics & Equality

Remembrance Day

Parts first posted in November 2019. Usually, around this time of year, I see a bunch of posts, profile decorations, photos about Remembrance day with Union Jacks and St George's crosses. Actually, this year it's been a bit less I think. Maybe, with Brexit and COVID there's a realisation that we rely and owe a… Continue reading Remembrance Day

Friends, Politics & Equality, Work

You look tired…

OK, so potentially debatable opinion: I hate Zoom. Work has just switched to Zoom for conference calls and that means more video calls. I've managed to avoid them so far for the most part - himself almost always interrupts my regular Wednesday group meeting and I've started making him wave at the other participants in… Continue reading You look tired…

Diverse group of people
Health, Learning, Politics & Equality, Work

Inclusion – a how to

Warning: I'm just going to dive right in here, no gentle preamble or stories about silly things the boys did. The issues around inclusion and unconscious bias (as well as just basic exclusion based on gender, race, social position, education, religion, and orientation or identity) are a bit of a bug bear for me. From… Continue reading Inclusion – a how to

Scotland football team celebrating a win on penalties
Children, Fitness, Politics & Equality

Emotional Football

Or "why watching football with your dad is important for boys". (Where "dad" means father figure, male respected adult, whatever, just someone not in the "soft and fuzzy" stereotype.) Now, I'm sure that anyone who has read this blog for a while knows that I'm fiercely anti-stereotypes and pro-equality and fairness in the face of… Continue reading Emotional Football

Caption "Modern day corsets" with the backdrop of a pink pinched in corset
Health, Politics & Equality

Modern day corsets

Warning: I'm feeling a bit ranty. If you disagree with this post, please don't take it as a judgement or personal attack. I use my blog as an outlet for random thoughts and this is one of those posts. I've been seeing these adverts all over on Instagram lately. Adverts for body shaping solutions, basically… Continue reading Modern day corsets

bronze chief scouts award
Children, scouting

Effort rewarded

Large boy has been in Beavers for almost two years. Honestly, it's had a great effect on him. He's gained huge self confidence from being involved in activities away from parents and away from school. As a result, he's more confident with his class mates (especially good after he had some bumps on the road… Continue reading Effort rewarded