Children, Friends

To friend (verb) or not?

I follow the wonderful That MidLife MaMa Donna on Facebook and she's ace. In particular, one of her posts caught my eye recently. WordPress seems to trim the text there, here's what Donna said: Find your daughter’s teacher on social media and friend her. This is the advice I received last night. Immediately I… Continue reading To friend (verb) or not?

Children, Friends, Writing

Snatched moments

Snatched moments A few minutes of company Pleasure in easy companionship Mundane chatter about nothing Twenty minutes of a return to before Being friends is no longer an everyday pastime Long lunches distant memories Yoga classes no more Because Children change everything And, most days, it's a fair exchange I managed a short lunchtime walk… Continue reading Snatched moments

Children, Christmas, Crafts, Family, Food

Christmas Prep: other people’s ideas

So I've written a few posts about how I've been preparing for Christmas and of course all the gin, jam and chutney heads in that direction too. However, I've also been enjoying reading about lots of other people's preparations. I've asked to share some here, hope you enjoy. Vegan Clementine Curd by The Grumpy Olive… Continue reading Christmas Prep: other people’s ideas

Any advice
Children, Family, Friends, Miscarriage, Writing

Any advice for entering a new phase?

I can't even figure out what to call this post, I'll come back to it. [I came back to it and titled it with my final thought.] So I started my blog a bit over two years ago, to have an outlet for my thoughts and feelings that I'm not comfortable sharing in real life.… Continue reading Any advice for entering a new phase?