Children, Family, Self-care

Year 6 Horrors: 1 The Attitude

I've decided to document large boy's journey through his year 6 experiences with a series of posts sharing a (mostly tongue in cheek) assessment of what it's like having a 10 or 11 year old child. The Attitude Me oh my this child has developed a whole other way of behaving and communicating. My lovely,… Continue reading Year 6 Horrors: 1 The Attitude

Family, Health, Writing

A litany of injuries

We're all a mess Everything hurts Nobody sleeps Bodily comfort is for the lucky Large boy has been writing couplets and sets for a rap at school. I think he'd be utterly horrified with my spontaneous attempt at letting out my frustrations with our physical defects through the medium of Sunday morning poetry. Well, himself… Continue reading A litany of injuries

Cars, Family, Travel

Reasons to Have a Truck

This is pretty much the opposite of an eco-post. Sorry about that, I promise I'll touch on the environmental side of the story before the end. We bought a big massive Isuzu D-Max in June 2019. Honestly, I was really quite sceptical, especially as the truck is "my" car. Here she is, Talulah the Truck… Continue reading Reasons to Have a Truck

Children, Family, Fitness

What does a rugby mum need?

Yeah, so this probably doesn't only apply to rugby mums. I'm sure football mums and all sorts of other winter outdoor sports parents need the same sort of stuff too. After four years of standing on the side lines on a Sunday morning, I've got preparing to watch the boys train or play rugby down… Continue reading What does a rugby mum need?

Climate change

Climate Change Collective Post 6: How You Can Reduce Your Energy Consumption and Save Money by Saving the Planet

The wonderful Christina from Crisbie Coach has shared the sixth post in the series being run by the Climate Change Collective. taking small steps at home, not only you can save energy (and money) but also you will help to protect the environment by reducing your emissions. Households generate roughly a quarter of all direct CO2 emissions… Continue reading Climate Change Collective Post 6: How You Can Reduce Your Energy Consumption and Save Money by Saving the Planet

Fitness, Health, Miscarriage

RED January 2023 Review

Well RED January is over again. I quite like to look back and reflect on how I coped and what I achieved. My efforts DateDistanceTimeNotes1 Jan 20235.10km30.03minGot wet, felt good2 Jan 20235.74km33.48minNew shoes rubbed3 Jan 20233.25km20.07minRain started half way round, got wet4 Jan 20233.66km23.49minBleugh5 Jan 20233.29km20.57minLess bleugh6 Jan 202311.01km1h09.37minMassive puddle avoidance7 Jan 20233.26km19.29minNew shoes better,… Continue reading RED January 2023 Review

Kindle and mug of tea sitting in the sun
Children, Reading, Review

December 2022 and January 2023 Reading

I do a monthly round up for everything we've read each month. Himself focuses on science articles and forums and news, so he's not getting a section - books only! I think I've done well extracting reviews from them this month, especially from large boy. Large boy The Novice, The Inquisition, The Battlemage, and The… Continue reading December 2022 and January 2023 Reading

Children, Lessons in Loss, Miscarriage, Self-care

Fog of Grief

Yesterday (31 January 2023) marked four years since baby boy3 made an unexpected and far too early exit from my body. I'm not someone who dwells or wallows in the grief I feel for his loss. I acknowledge it, I'm honest about it with myself and with others. I don't shy away from talking about… Continue reading Fog of Grief