Home & Garden

My new garden

After last year’s extension and new kitchen, we were left with a mud patch surrounded by huge conifers. After almost a year of saving hard, and putting away our bonuses from work, we’ve been able to finally sort it out. This is what I have wanted since we moved in nearly 9 years ago.

This was the before.

And now, the tree surgeons and landscapers have worked their magic.

Before anyone wonders why we didn’t do it ourselves, the answers are: a) we are terrible at DIY and would not do things well, b) it would have taken at least 6 months instead of a couple of weeks, and c) we didn’t want to.

First, the tree guys took out all the conifers/leylandii. Then the landscapers dug big holes, put in drainage for the lawn, replaced or put up fences (the hedge had been hiding a chain link fence with random panels nailed to the trees), laid and new patio, rebuild retaining walls and then put down the turf for the new lawn.

Yesterday my friend and I had lunch in camping chairs on the patio and both went a bit pink. This morning, small boy and I ate our breakfast out there.

Now, we need to wait for pay day so we can get a shed and some patio furniture and a new BBQ. OK maybe that’ll all take more than one pay day to sort out. But by the start of next summer, we’ll have a fabulous, usable space and it’ll be time for a party I think. Oh and filling that big bed with veggies!

What have you been doing to your outside space lately?

Love from Smell xxx

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