Fitness, Writing


Smiling because it feels good

Smiling because I see beauty

Smiling because it hurts

Smiling with determination

Smiling because this is my peace

Smiling because I beat demotivation

Smiling at the cows and buzzards and woodpecker and pheasants and jays ad squirrels and robins

Smiling when cyclists wave as they pass

Smiling because the autumn leaves are golden

Smiling because just keeping going is enough

I wrote this a few weeks ago. Well, I thought it when running slowly a week after a fabulous 10mile PB. It was not a run full of achievements and joy, but it was satisfying and just as wonderful as the week before.

Am I back to blogging? who knows?

Will anyone read this? who knows?

If you do, please say hello. I have got at least 2 or 3 more posts in mind so I might pull myself together and start writing again.

Love from Smell xxx

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