Golden Bloggerz Award

Golden Bloggerz Award

What Is The Golden Bloggerz Award?

It’s an award made to motivate and reward all these amazing bloggers that work daily to serve their audience and they worth more recognition. Their priority is to do their best to help their readers solve their problems & reach their goals!


  1. Place the award logo on your blog.
  2. Mention the rules.
  3. Thank whom ever nominated you and place a link to their website.
  4. Mention the awards creator and add a link to that too.
  5. Tell your audience three things about you.
  6. Answer your nominator’s questions.
  7. Nominate 10-20 people who deserve this award.
  8. Let the nominees know by messaging/commenting on their social media or their blog.
  9. Ask you nominees any five questions that you want.
  10. Share 2-3 links to your best posts.

To all winners of this award, Congratulations! Keep doing what you love the most! And always remember: Readers come first!

Thank you!

I am so very flattered to be one of the very first nominees for this wonderful blogger award. I cannot say thank you enough to Brenda from My Angel’s Voice. She was nominated by the marvellous Chris from Golden Bloggerz who initiated the award. I encourage everyone to please take the time to check out their websites.

Three Things You May Not Know About Me

I have a PhD in proper wet messy stinky chemistry. I spent three years in a university lab slaving away with separating funnels, Buchner filters, silica chromatography, columns and Schlenk lines, making mostly yellow powders with the occasional bright green/red dichroic crystals.

Himself says I’m married to “one of the best scientists in the world in his field, and one of the most modest”.

I didn’t pass my driving test until I was 24, having failed 4 times previously (three times when I was 18 and then once more just before passing). I managed to write off my 4×4 (when sleep deprived by small boy’s age 1 midnight antics), on a bright clear morning on an empty road by driving into a lamp post at 5 miles an hour and not even setting off the air bag. Himself and the boys will never let me live that down.

Brenda’s Questions

  1. How long have you been blogging?
    I started blogging at the beginning of June 2019, so about 15 months. I started writing as a sort of therapy, to have an outlet for all the ramblings running through my mind and to allow me to express my feelings and thoughts about our loss of our third son at 20 weeks pregnant earlier that year.
  2. What inspires you?
    Gosh, that’s a hard one. My boys inspire me to be the best, fairest, kindest mum I can be. My female role models I wrote about last year. They are my amazing mum, a truly fantastic colleague and one of my best friends. They each show me how to lead by example in different ways and I aspire to be more like each one of them.
  3. If you had one wish….what would it be?
    World peace? Eradicate poverty and hunger? Abrupt disappearance of COVID 19? Reversal of climate damage? For my boys to grow up in a safe, fair, just world where everyone’s kind and generous? Choosing just one is tricky. Maybe I’ll just settle for a plentiful supply of gin.
  4. Do you blog full-time?
    No! I mostly write in the evenings, in front of TV – half concentrating on whatever himself and I are binge watching, or else in bed. Recently, I’ve spent more time on Saturday mornings tapping away while the boys eat breakfast.
  5. Have you ever….paid it forward?
    Yes, I love these sorts of posts and I’ve written several in the past. In all aspects of our lives we should appreciate the people we value and be open in expressing that. I love that Brenda (who nominated me) regularly sends her love out to people on Twitter that she follows and appreciates. My favourite time of the week (in blogging at least) is Sunday afternoon when “lovely Bill” posts his weekly round up over on A Silly Place. I try to reciprocate both of their generosities.

My Nominees

Nic at Nic’s Adventures (over at Twitter as @rosy_nic)

Lovely Bill at A Silly Place (on Twitter as @a_silly_place)

Subarna at TheMommysCorner (find her on Twitter as @TheMommysCorner)

Maria at Parent On Board (her Twitter is @Parent_on_Board)

Sarah at The Book’s Whiskers (for Twitter go to @sarahsansom76)

The TBC guys (their Twitter is @HyacinthSoul3)

Rachel Foy (over on Twitter as @racheljanefoy96)

Isobel at CastlesandTurrets (find her as @Castles_Turrets on Twitter)

Renata at Buffalo Sauce Everywhere (on Twitter as @renataleo)

My Questions

  1. Sunrise or sunset and why?
  2. What book has had a lasting effect on you and your life?
  3. Why do you keep blogging, what’s its value for you?
  4. What cruel and unusual punishment would you like to exact on the evilest of evil people?
  5. What’s your last thought as you go to sleep at night?

Some of my Favourite Posts

I really enjoyed writing about birth plans and their futility for a guest post over on A Procrastinating Mum.

Back at the beginning of UK lockdown, I wrote a little story which the very lovely Lizzie Driscoll did a cover illustration for, its called What a Noise!

Another post I wrote was Imagining the End of Lockdown, at the time it was just what I needed to focus on – hope and an ideal couple of weeks spent enjoying our families.

An importing musing, quite reflective, was my thoughts on reactions to loss – when you think about it, even the most seemingly-inappropriate reactions can help in some way or another.

8 thoughts on “Golden Bloggerz Award”

  1. Congratulations! I loved learning about more about you and your process. 🙂

    Also just checked out your guest post on birth plans and honestly I put DAYS of energy into mine – it never even left the bag. I’d planned for literally EVERYTHING to go wrong (just the way I am!) which was lucky because pretty much everything did go wrong… but again, not that anyone would know that they followed my birth plan since no-one looked at it haha.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh no! Babies seem to have a tendency to do that. I hope it worked out well in the end, the birth doesn’t really matter so long as everyone comes out healthy and untraumatised.


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